Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Catholicism on Trial Series – Book 1 of 7 – The Bible Alone vs. The Catholic Church – LIST PRICE REDUCED from $16.95. You SAVE 60%.

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Catholicism on Trial Series - Book 1 of 7 - The Bible Alone vs. The Catholic Church - LIST PRICE REDUCED from .95. You SAVE 60%.

This Series of Trials takes place in a Court of Law where representatives for Protestantism will defend the claim that the "Bible Alone" is the "sole authority" in Christianity. And they will battle it out with representatives of the "Catholic Church" who will demonstrate that ultimate moral and religious authority is found only in the Catholic Church. These trials will cover a wide range of subjects, and each side must prove their case using only Scripture and very limited historical evidence. Some readers will be surprised to find that Secularists, Pagans, and others will join with Protestants to form an alliance against the Church, so what is at stake in this Series of Trials is nothing short of sensational!

In fact, these trials will challenge readers whose religious conviction is built upon error and ego, but the humble of heart will be liberated from error if they find they have been wrong. For others, this Series will confirm and deepen the Catholic faith they already cherish.

In the first trial, Catholic representatives must prove that Jesus Christ established only the Catholic Church. They must prove that the visible and spiritual community, formally established and organized in this world as a society by Jesus Christ Himself, subsists fully in the Catholic Church alone, and that it is governed by the Successor of St. Peter and those Bishops in communion with him. And if Catholic representatives prove their case for the Catholic Church it would mean that, in good conscience, Protestants would have no choice but to embrace the Catholic Church.

And Protestant representatives have never been forced to explain how and why so many of their Christian denominations came into existence to begin with. They have never really been forced to account for all the division within their own ranks to this very day. And why is this the case? Because Protestants have been very effective in keeping the spotlight off themselves by rebelling with one voice against the authority of the Catholic Magisterium. But all of that is about to end.

As you go through this series of trials you will find yourself living vicariously through someone in the courtroom. At times you may see yourself on the witness stand, and at other times you may see yourself as one of the attorneys, or one of the jurors. But one way or the other, your religious convictions will be indelibly affected by the facts that will be presented in these trials.

List Price: $ 6.99


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