Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Question by crookshanks: What are some good classics for a 13 year old to read?

These are some classics that I'm already planning to read:
-Alice in Wonderland
-Peter Pan
-Anne of Green Gables
-Wuthering Heights
-Sense and Sensibility
-Pride and Prejudice
-Jane Eyre
-Gone with the wind
-A Midsummer Night's Dream
-Romeo and Juliet

Judging by the books I'm interested in from the above list, what are some other books you recommend?

Best answer:

Answer by SAY WHAT??
her are some classics
- a little princess
-king author and the knights of the round table
-the secret garden
-treasure island
-the call of the wild
-robinson crusoe
-a tale of two cities
-the wind and the willows
-the swiss family robinson
-the adventures of hucklebury finn
-gullivers travels
-twenty thousands leagues under the sea

Give your answer to this question below!

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