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Attempt to cancel Audible Membership

Image by philmaxwell
I wanted to cancel my membership because I could not activate a device to play my purchases. When I tried to activate a device, an error would tell me I have exceeded the device limit, "please click here to deactivate a device". But "here" does not click through to anywhere.
I went online to see if I could activate/deactivate any devices from the website, but I don't have any devices to deactivate. After searching the help files for a solution I decided to send them an email about my problem but in order to send an email I'm required to categorize my problem in drop down menus five levels deep. I didn't see an accurate description of my problem OR an option to select "other" but I did find a "Cancel" option. But alas, there's no button to click on to submit and customer service is closed. Player on N97

Image by Thox
listening to some Terry Pratchett on the N97 via audibleplayer from
- uploaded by ShoZu
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