Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spirituality: Forms, Foundations, Methods (Studies in Spirituality, Supplement 18)

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Spirituality: Forms, Foundations, Methods (Studies in Spirituality, Supplement 18)

This textbook is a systematic guide to the extensive field of spirituality. Kees Waaijman charts the multiform phenomenon of spirituality: the spirituality of ordinary people, the great spiritual traditions and the force of counter-movements. From the foundation of this survey he answers questions like: What exactly is spirituality? What forms can a scholarly approach take? Finally, the book provides methodic access to the study of spirituality, focusing on the following questions: Which are the different forms of spirituality and how can we describe them? How can spiritual texts be given a reliable reading? Which themes can be distinguished in the field of spirituality and what would be a meaningful way to address them? What do we mean by spiritual guidance and what can we learn from it? has no equal. It is indispensable to scholars wishing to study the subject, but also to others who want to learn about spirituality.

List Price: $ 66.00

Price: $ 65.98

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