Sunday, November 7, 2010

A few nice Humor images I found:

Black Humor


Image by h.koppdelaney

Harold and Maude

My contribution to a great movie

I\'ve heard some voices:
He wanted to serve us some tea actually…
I love his grim sense of humour
Black is black
He could not stand my depression any longer
He is so extravagant



Er hat sich immer so schwarz gesehen.
Und ich dachte immer er könne fliegen…



This is digital art work, not reality.
Pictures and resources my own.

Das Bild ist ein digital hergestelltes Werk.
Jede Ähnlichkeit mit realen Gegebenheiten wäre rein zufällig.


Gaditan humour / Humor gaditano


Image by . SantiMB .

Cádiz (Spain).

View Large On White

"Our dreams don\'t fit in their ballot boxes" -> "Not at all, it\'s matter of folding them right" -> "Don\'t sell you to the power"

Everybody knows the sense of humour of the gaditans, world-wide known through the chirigotas of the Carnival of Cádiz. This graffiti was in the wall of an alley, and I find funny the answer to the initial message, the second one. The third message would be of some stranger, because it does not have sense of humour.


De todos es conocido el sentido de humor de los gaditanos, mundialmente conocido a través de las chirigotas del Carnaval de Cádiz. Esto estaba en la pared de un callejón, y me hizo gracia la respuesta al mensaje inicial, el segundo mensaje. El tercer mensaje sería de algún forastero, porque no tiene sentido del humor.



Image by aldoaldoz

Dalla prima pagina de Il Manifesto del 7 novembre 2008.

La vignetta si riferisce alle dichiarazioni di Berlusconi per commentare l\'elezione di Barack Obama a neo presidente degli Usa:

"È giovane, è bello e anche abbronzato".

A seguito delle polemiche ha poi replicato:

"Sono degli imbecilli privi di humor, vadano a..."

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